Bilateral Kellerberrin: Lucas Ihlein, 2005

Lucas Ihlein's first "blogging-as-art" project, produced while artist-in-residence at IASKA in Kellerberrin.

Kellerberrin (population approx. 1200) is a small wheatbelt town located a few hours drive inland from Perth, Western Australia.

Each day during his residency, Ihlein sat down and wrote, from memory, about the events of the previous day: who he met, what was discussed, and what he saw or did.

Bilateral Kellerberrin was adapted for exhibition at the IASKA gallery
in Kellerberrin in June 2005.

More info about Bilateral Kellerberrin

Bilateral Kellerberrin and Bilateral Petersham were the two major case studies in Lucas Ihlein's PhD thesis, entitled Framing Everyday Experience: Blogging as Art, Deakin University, 2010. Ihlein was awarded the Alfred Deakin Medal for Best Doctoral Thesis in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2011.

Lucas Ihlein, Bilateral Blogging, International Journal of the Arts in Society, Vol.1 No.7, 2007.

A version of the Bilateral Kellerberrin installation was shown at Sir Hermann Black Gallery in Sydney in July 2005 for the Freedman Foundation Travelling Art Scholarship exhibition.

Lucas Ihlein, "Public Art as Public Conversations" in Harmonic Tremors: Aesthetic Interventions in the Public Sphere, edited by Sarah Rainbird. Melbourne: Gasworks Arts Park, 2009. 33-44.

Lucas Ihlein spoke about Bilateral Kellerberrin and Bilateral Petersham at Taking it to the Streets forum, Next Wave Festival, 2010. (Short review here by Julia McGrath)

"In conversation: Teri Hoskin and Lucas Ihlein on Bilateral Kellerberrin", in Unsitely aesthetics: uncertain practices in contemporary art, edited by Maria Miranda, published by Errant Bodies Press, 2013.

Lucas Ihlein, 2018, "Blogging as Art: Life Writing Online", in Offshoot: Contemporary Life Writing Methodologies and Practice, edited by Donna Lee Brien and Quinn Eades, UWAP, Perth