VIPoo at Yours and Owls Festival (2023):


Visit the Pootopia! website.

Read about Pootopia! on the University of Wollongong website (October 2023).

Follow Pootopia! on instagram.

About the project:

Pootopia! is a joint venture between artists Dr Lucas Ihlein and Dr Kim Williams, with fellow UOW researchers, including pathogen scientist Dr Bethany Hoye, engineer Professor Faisal Hai and economists Associate Professor Amir Arjomandi and Associate Professor Alfredo Paloyo. They are joined by art students Cameron Barnes and Kaz Zouain, and performance artist and UOW graduate Amber Jones.

Our first public event was the creation of a VIPoo - a bespoke composting toilet system for the Yours and Owls Festival in Wollongong, October 2023.

Here is a short video about our intervention at the festival.
(Video production by WayWard Films)

More images, links, and resources will be posted soon.