Random Sample: Lucas Ihlein, 2000

An early web-based artists book, with a range of poetic texts and line drawings which are randomly sequenced. An experiment in "shuffling pages" in the hypertext era, with the help of my web developer friend and art collaborator Geoff Webb.

Go to this URL for the work: http://lucazoid.com/randomsample -- keep in mind that it was created during the pre-broadband era of the internet so it does not automagically resize for smartphones. Frankly, if it still works, it's a miracle.

More info about Random Sample:

The piece consists of writing and drawings made and found by Lucas Ihlein during travels to Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Barcelona, Genova, Milano, Venezia, Wien, London, Glasgow and Birmingham, October 1999 - May 2000.

Random Sample was created and presented as part of the inaugural London Biennale (directed by David Medalla and Adam Nankervis) in 2000.

Thanks to Gianna Murazzo for some Italian texts and translations, Birgit Lang and Marcus for German translations, Zunzi Wong and Billy Chan for Cantonese translations, and Tim Hilton and Michelle Seamons for some drawings.

Thanks to Geoff Webb for technical and financial support and aesthetic advice.

Perlscripts and website backup by Geoff Webb.