(Wo)man with Mirror: Lucas Ihlein and Louise Curham (Teaching and Learning Cinema), 2009 onwards.

An Expanded Cinema re-enactment project. Guy Sherwin's expanded cinema piece, Man with Mirror (originally performed in 1976 in London) is recreated by Teaching and Learning Cinema in 2009 in Sydney.

TLC continues to perform this piece.

Statement from Teaching and Learning Cinema:

We are interested in re-enactments as they allow us to directly access ephemeral work from the past which is otherwise only available in documents, texts, videos and photographs - or which will cease to be available once the originating artist dies.

Of course, the process of re-enactment changes the original work. What decisions do we need to make in order to manifest it in our present time and place? These are part of the creative process, and this is why we believe that artists make great "experiential archivists".

More info about (Wo)man with Mirror

A comprehensive page about (Wo)man with Mirror at the Teaching and Learning Cinema website.

(Wo)man with Mirror was initially developed as part of the exhibition IMPRINT, curated by Anneke Jaspers, at Artspace, Sydney, in July 2009.

You can download a copy of the catalogue for IMPRINT here [12mb PDF file].

Teaching and Learning Cinema have published (Wo)man with Mirror: A User's Manual. You can download it as a pdf.

Louise Curham’s PhD thesis at Canberra University investigated the continued evolution of (Wo)man with Mirror as it was handed on to Australian artist Laura Hindmarsh. 

(Wo)man with Mirror was discussed as part of a larger conversation about Re-enacting Performance Art with Christopher Hewitt and Andrea Saemann, at the Expanded Documentary Conference, University of Wollongong, 2012. View the presentation file by Lucas Ihlein.

(Wo)man with Mirror was discussed as part of a guest lecture on "Working Intergenerationally", at the University of Tasmania Artforum series, in 2012. View the presentation file by Lucas Ihlein.

(Wo)man with Mirror was performed at the Parlour, Kaldor Contemporary Art Projects 13 Rooms, Sydney, 2013.

In June 2013, Lucas Ihlein and Louise Curham performed (Wo)man with Mirror in London for the first time, at Apiary Studios, an event organised by Sally Golding from Unconscious Archives. Guy Sherwin was present in the audience - the first time he had ever seen the work performed.

(Wo)man with Mirror was performed, and followed by discussion at Museum Futures in an Age of Austerity, at Institute of Education, London, June 2013.

Pre-Digital New Media Art” – an article by Lucas Ihlein about Expanded Cinema, published in Realtime magazine in 2005.

Essay: “Re-enacting Expanded Cinema: Three Case studies” by Teaching and Learning Cinema, 2009.

Lucas Ihlein, "Mediating Experience in Expanded Cinema Re-enactment", ISEA, 2013. Revised and published in ISEA proceedings as "Medium-specificity and sociality in expanded cinema re-enactment" - read final paper here.

(Wo)man with Mirror was included in the exhibition "Hollow in the Paper" curated by Bec Stevens, at CAST, Hobart, 2013. Catalogue publication here.

Vicky Smith, "The Animator’s Body in Expanded Cinema", in Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2015, Vol. 10(3) 222–237

Dirk de Bruyn, "Performing the Margins of the New", in Vicky Smith and Nicky Hamlyn, Experimental and Expanded Animation: New Perspectives and Practices, Palgrave, 2018.

Jonathan Walley, Cinema Expanded: Avant-Garde Film in the Age of Intermedia. Oxford University Press, 2020

Leuzzi, Laura, "Re-enacting Early Video Art as a Research Tool for Media Art Histories", in Digital art through the looking glass: new strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities

Dominic Smith, "THE FUTURE OF CINEMA: Finding New Meaning through Live Interaction", in Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Vol 19, No. 3, 2013.

Jonathan Walley, "Re-enacting expanded cinema" in Incite Journal of Experimental Media, Issue #4, Fall 2013.

More about re-enactments.